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Good Literature For All

What is GLIFA?

A missionary society that was launched to respond to the hunger about the Word of God and the literature famine that exists in Third World countries. Our materials go into over 50 countries and help the poor and needy.

Who is behind GLIFA?

Friends and donors support the production of Bibles, Christian teaching books and evangelistic materials. Supporters receive detailed information of what is being done and where we work.

How GLIFA works?

Capable people distribute the material in the different underdeveloped countries. GLIFA works with all Christian Denominations through Bible distribution and literature.

In what way can I help?

Prayer and intercession are always needed, but we also need more supporters, mission partners and donors that support the work. You can join the friends of GLIFA by writing to the headquarters in Switzerland.

History of GLIFA

Rudi Lack the Director and Founder of GLIFA, started in 1993 from Switzerland. Today, Good Literature For All also exists in France, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Africa and Kenya. Our work is in over 50 countries, and more than 15 million copies have been distributed. Containers are regularly sent to third world countries.


The GLIFA Mission, Good Literature For All, was founded in 1995 by Rudi Lack (1932-2010) in order to meet the hunger and need for the Word of God and Christian literature throughout the world.

Pioneers in the international and inter-confessional movement, Youth With A Mission, Rudi and his wife Eliane worked for more than 30 years among the leaders of this organisation. They led many training seminars for missionaries throughout the world, and they also lived in Africa for many years. As a speaker at numerous conferences and seminars for many years, Rudi encouraged the Christians during his trips in more than 100 countries. Everywhere he went he proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus-Christ.

The books Rudi wrote have been translated into many languages and have been largely spread throughout the world. Up to this day, the GLIFA Mission has touched, through the Gospel, about 20 million people.

GLIFA’s main ministry is in Africa and Asia because of their poverty and also due to the fact that they do not have the necessary financial resources. Millions of third world citizens are unable to buy a Bible or any other edifying book.

Since Rudi Lack passed away in 2010, a team pursues Rudi’s vision of GLIFA: provide the Word of God and good Christian literature, especially in third world countries.

We want to be active and build the Kingdom of God together with you. We invite you to become a partner with GLIFA today. By clicking on the « contact » icon, you can fill in the form in order to receive our newsletters.

We thank you in advance for your kind support!

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Archive video – Interview with Rudi Lack, founder of GLIFA


The association GLIFA works only with donations.
If you are interested in this mission, we are grateful for the help that you could bring.

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IBAN CH84 0900 0000 3003 9415 1


La Poste Suisse
Bärenplatz 8
3011 Berne
GLIFA Good Literature for All
2606 Corgémont
+41 (32) 489 14 18


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